5 Exercises to Work Your Abs to Exhaustion

program :
Stay focused throughout the session. Forget everything around you and only think of getting in depth the working muscles.

This program only specialist in exercise muscle Abs
Details and the ways that will be applied in :

5 Exercises to Work Your Abs to Exhaustion

 Sets 3
 Reps 15-20
Rest 30 seconds

 Sets 3-4
Reps 15-20
Rest 30 seconds

 Sets 3
Reps 15-20
Rest 30 seconds

The Key To Get Six-pack Fast

Eat the right food to get your abs. The next step is to continue with a training program that points to your abs and strengthens the core. The training guide will guide you on the right path. Keep the course and soon a pack of six admirable rock-solid.
Sets 3-4
Reps 20-30
Rest 30 seconds

Sets 3
 Reps 20-30

Get That Six-pack!

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